Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Aesop for Children (Winter) Part A

Notes. Most of the stories I liked were in Part A. Like my previous stories, I may add more details to my next story or make it more modern. Since these stories provide the moral of the story at the end, I will use it as a foundation of my story. For example, in The Oxen and the Wheels, the moral is: They complain most who suffer least. I can come up with a story where a mother scolds her child and complains about her unfortunate life to her friends. However, because the mother's friend does not talk much and keeps to herself, the mother does not know what her friend is dealing with.

Some stories I liked were The Wolf and the Kid, The Eagle and the Jackdaw, The Oxen and the Wheels, The Lion and the Ass, and The Dogs and the Fox. All of these stories provide great morals, even the ones I did not mention. Of the ones I like, the stories I am very interested are The Wolf and the Kid and The Eagle and the Jackdaw.

As I read The Wolf and the Kid, I actually thought the kid was a human kid, but later remembered that a kid was also a young goat. Anyway, in this story, the kid tricks the wolf in to playing a tune before he eats him, and he later survives. I like how the kid tricked the wolf. It was very smart.

(The Wolf and Kid by Milo Winter. Web Source: Mythology and Folklore UN-Textbook)

In the Eagle and the Jackdaw, it was interesting how the ram did not feel anything from the jackdaw. I would think that the ram would feel at least a tug, but there was nothing. This lack of feeling added to the jackdaw being weak. If I were to change the story, I would change it so the ram would feel something and fling the jackdaw far away. The jackdaw had the intent to kill the ram. It would be deserving if the ram did something to it.

Bibliography. Aesop for Children by Milo Winter; link to reading online.

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