Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

(Inspirational Quote from Charles Dubois by Omar Reyes: Web Source)

While reading the table, I realized that I would choose the left more than the right. However, there were some things that includes what I would do. I still like being in my comfort zone. I get a little anxious if I’m not in my comfort zone. Trying new things could be scary. On the other hand, if a new activity is required, then I would be willing to do it. It just depends on what I think and feel at the time. This would be one of my weaknesses.

On the right side of the table, I find motivation from inside myself. Mostly, I think that what I need to do is a duty. It is something I have to do, not someone else. I need to be independent and work for what I want. I feel like this is a strength of mine.

Also, I’m being open to any and all feedback. Feedback is what can help me grow and become better. They let me understand what I can improve and what I lack. The articles that I read helped me further understand giving and receiving feedback. Therefore, I can be open to all types of feedback. And I am confident I can improve. With practice and the right knowledge, I can do anything.

Another weakness of mine is that I prefer to do the minimum, so I can have time to do other activities that I would rather do. For example, in most of my posts, I have put in one image. However, as I start to realize that pictures would be useful, I may add another picture. I consider pushing myself to go farther as a work in progress. To further work on this, in this class, aside from the regular assignments, I may choose an extra credit option. This would help push myself to go farther and learn new things.


  1. I also found myself choosing the left more than the right. Getting out of your comfort zone is something that I think all people struggle with, even if they don't say it. This class definitely helps with that whether we like it or not, though, and pushes us to get out of our comfort zone. I really like that about this class and I feel like I've learned a lot already and I'm sure you have too. Just remember to push yourself in all things and it will help you more with growth mindset!

  2. Great insight in your post! I think it is great that you are so open to feedback. For me, this is something I struggle with, so I am always hoping to learn different ways to change that. I don't this it is a weakness in this class to do the minimum. Because we have so many assignment opportunities, if you do the required work on an assignment, then you can do an extra credit one. This allows you to try different kinds of writing and will allow you later to put more time and focus into a specific assignment!

  3. I can really Identify with you on some level. As far as wanting to do just enough so you can say you got the job done, I think we all do that here and there. Regarding wanting to stay in your comfort zone, some of the most amazing experiences I have ever had have come from forcing myself out of my comfort zone. When you are experiencing new people, places, and activities that you never would have tried normally, it's a really great feeling.

  4. That is awesome that you are so confident in being yourself without needed to rely on others. Sometimes I feel like this may be a weakness of mine. I grew up in a family of six and I was rarely alone. College came as a shock for me because I lived (relatively) alone freshman year in my own dorm room. It was a lot harder for me than I thought it was going to be. I understand the only doing the minimum requirements. It can be hard to motivate yourself when there are so many other things to be doing! Good luck with everything!

  5. I like your honesty in this post. It's easy to talk about the growth mindset in a positive and confident way, but also the growth mindset really requires introspection and finding ways to improve upon our shortcomings. I really feel you with your last paragraph - it's hard to not do just the minimum that's required of an assignment when there are so many other assignments to do!

  6. I feel like everyone has very similar struggles. No one wants to be outside there comfort zone, but it's the people that stretch themselves that find new potential in their lives. That is how I view it so I've made it a priority to do so. I hope you do as well!

  7. I’m the same way, initially I’m frightened with the prospect of doing something out of my comfort zone. If asked, though, I will say yes because I want to push through the fear. Also, I don’t want to miss out on new experiences, new ways to grow or learn. I think that fear can either motivate or hinder you and I’m happy to see it doesn’t hinder you in the least bit!
